sample\new\multitouch2.hsp » Plain Format
; ; Windows7のマルチタッチ入力を取得するサンプルです。 ; マルチタッチに対応したデバイスでのみ実行できます。 #uselib "user32.dll" #cfunc GetSystemMetrics "GetSystemMetrics" int #func RegisterTouchWindow "RegisterTouchWindow" int,int #func GetTouchInputInfo "GetTouchInputInfo" int,int,int,int #func CloseTouchInputHandle "CloseTouchInputHandle" int #func ScreenToClient "ScreenToClient" int,int #define NID_MULTI_INPUT 0x40 ; マルチタッチ可能フラグ #define NID_READY 0x80 ; タッチ入力可能フラグ #define WM_GESTURE 0x0119 #define WM_TOUCH 0x0240 #define SM_DIGITIZER 94 #define SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES 95 #define F_MOVE 0x0001 ;Movement has occurred. Cannot be combined with TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN. #define F_DOWN 0x0002 ;The corresponding touch point was established through a new contact. Cannot be combined with TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE or TOUCHEVENTF_UP. #define F_UP 0x0004 ;A touch point was removed. #define F_INRANGE 0x0008 ;A touch point is in range. This flag is used to enable touch hover support on compatible hardware.Applications that do not want support for hover can ignore this flag. #define F_PRIMARY 0x0010 ;Indicates that this TOUCHINPUT structure corresponds to a primary contact point. See the following text for more information on primary touch points. #define F_NOCOALESCE 0x0020 ;When received using GetTouchInputInfo, this input was not coalesced. #define F_PALM 0x0080 ;The touch event came from the user's palm. #enum I_POSX=0 #enum I_POSY #enum I_SOURCE #enum I_ID #enum I_FLAGS #enum I_MASK #enum I_TIME #enum I_EXINFO #enum I_CX #enum I_CY title "マルチタッチ入力テスト" maxinput=32 size_tinput=10 dim tinput,size_tinput*maxinput ; TOUCHINPUT構造体のバッファ dim posxy,4 sysm=GetSystemMetrics(SM_DIGITIZER) i=NID_MULTI_INPUT|NID_READY if (sysm&i)!=i { dialog "マルチタッチに対応していません。" : end } RegisterTouchWindow hwnd, 0 ; タッチウインドウ登録 onexit *bye oncmd gosub *OnTouch, WM_TOUCH ; メッセージ割り込み stop *bye end *OnTouch ; タッチ割り込み hinput=lparam ; HINPUTハンドル num=wparam ; 入力の数 GetTouchInputInfo hinput, num, varptr(tinput), size_tinput*4 if stat=0 : dialog "ERR:"+hinput+"("+num+")" i=0 repeat num fl=tinput(i+I_FLAGS) posxy(0)=tinput(i+I_POSX)/100 posxy(1)=tinput(i+I_POSY)/100 ScreenToClient hwnd,varptr(posxy) if fl&F_DOWN { mes "DOWN("+cnt+"):"+posxy(0)+","+posxy(1) } i+=size_tinput loop CloseTouchInputHandle hinput return