
sample\d3module\demo\d3m_techdemo.hsp » Plain Format

	TITL =	"s.programs d3module techdemo"
		VER  =	"1.68"
;			s.programs http://spn.php.xdomain.jp/

#packopt hide 1
#packopt xsize 1
#packopt ysize 1
#packopt name "d3m_techdemo"

; 0 - release, 1 - create
#define DVMODE	0

#include "d3m.hsp" ; include d3module

	; const
	_PI  = 3.14159265
	_2PI = 6.28318531

;	initialize

	; display modes
	modex = 640, 720, 800, 1280, 1360, 1920, 0
	modey = 480, 480, 600,  720,  768, 1080

	str_res = ""

		if modex(cnt) = 0 : break
		if modex(cnt) > ginfo_dispx | modey(cnt) > ginfo_dispy : break
		str_res += "" + modex(cnt) + " x " + modey(cnt) + "\n"

	; default value
	com_res = 1
	chk_sound = 1
	chk_full = 1
	chk_loop = 0
	chk_fulsp = 0
	chk_fps = 0

;	select screen

	screen 0, 480, 300
	title TITL

	syscolor 15 : boxf

	redraw 0

	; gradi
	color 255, 255, 255 : boxf , , , 99
	repeat 99
		f = 0.4 * cnt*cnt / 99/99 + 0.6 * cnt / 99
		hsvcolor 191, sin(f * _PI) * 96, f * 255
		boxf , cnt, , cnt
	repeat ginfo_winx
		hsvcolor cnt, 192, 255
		boxf cnt, 95, cnt, 99
	boxf , 95, , 96
	boxf 43, , 44

	; title
	pget 80, 10 : pos 80, 38
	font "Meiryo", 14, 1
	mes TITL + " " + VER
	hsvcolor , , 255 : pos 80, 39
	mes TITL + " " + VER

	; credit
	pos 270, 160
	font "Meiryo", 12 : syscolor 8
	mes "music : 'Vijore'\n by onoken\n  http://www.axsword.com/"

	; c-mark
	x = 270 : y = 240 : w = 64 : h = 32
	syscolor 17 : circle x, y, x+w, y+h
	x += w * 15 / 80 : y += h * 5 / 40 : w = w * 67 / 80 : h = h * 30 / 40
	syscolor 15 : circle x, y, x+w, y+h
	font "Meiryo", 12, 1 : syscolor 17 : pos x+5, y+h/2-8
	mes "d3module for HSP3"


	pos 80, 115
	objsize 128, 20, 24
	combox com_res, 200, str_res
	chkbox "音楽 sound", chk_sound
	chkbox "全画面 fullscreen", chk_full
	chkbox "loop", chk_loop
	chkbox "full-speed benckmark", chk_fulsp
	chkbox "show fps", chk_fps
	button "RUN !", *run_setup

	objsel stat

#if DVMODE = 0

;	RUN ! button

#define SCR_BLUR 3


	gsel 0, -1

	winx = modex(com_res)
	winy = modey(com_res)

#if DVMODE = 1
	chk_full = 0
	chk_fulsp = 1
	chk_fps = 1
	winx = 99
	winy = 99

	if winx ! ginfo_dispx & winy ! ginfo_dispx & chk_full {
		chgdisp 1, winx, winy
		if stat {
			dialog ""+winx+" x "+winy+" への画面モード変更はできませんでした。\nウィンドウモードで実行します。", 0, "error"
			chk_full = 0
		} else {
			wait 50

	if winx = ginfo_dispx | chk_full {

		; mode_fullscreen
		SCR_FB = 2
		bgscr SCR_FB, winx, winy, 0, 0, 0
		gsel SCR_FB, 2
		mouse -1
	} else {

		; mode_windowed
		SCR_FB = 0
		screen SCR_FB, winx, winy, 4, (ginfo_dispx - winx - 6) / 2, (ginfo_dispy - winy - 24) / 2

#if DVMODE = 1
	winx = 1280 : winy = 720
	screen SCR_FB, winx, winy, 4, 0, 0

	oncmd gosub *ssctrl, 0x0112 ; WM_SYSCOMMAND

	title TITL : color : boxf
	;__demo スクリーン準備完了__

	; 各シーン 初期化ルーチン
	gosub *demoinit

	; blur scr
	buffer SCR_BLUR, winx, winy
	gsel SCR_FB

	; demo 本体 実行
	gosub *mainseq

	; demo 終了
	gsel SCR_FB, -1

	if frms {
		wait 80
		dialog "thank you!\n\nbenchmark score : " + frms + " d3marks", , TITL


;------------------------------------------------------------ ss-ctrl (WM_SYSCOMMAND)
	if wparam = 0xF140 : return 1 ; SC_SCREENSAVE

;----------------------------- bracon
#define efctblur  gsel SCR_FB : gmode 3, , , mode_blur : pos 0, 0 : gcopy SCR_BLUR, 0, 0, winx, winy : mode_blur = 0
#deffunc useblur double p1
	mode_blur = limit( 256-(expf(logf(0.00390625 * p1)*(32.0/(fps+1))) * 256), 32, 256)
	gsel SCR_BLUR

;============================================================ INIT
;	demo init4

#define TEX_METAL	10
#define TEX_DGIT	11
#define TEX_MOON	12
#define TEX_FONT	13


	; ディレクトリ [demo] があれば移動
	astr = "demo"
	dirlist bstr, astr
	if stat : chdir astr

	; particle
	d3mkparticle  0,  255, 255, 255
	d3mkparticle  1,  255, 255, 100
	d3mkparticle  2,  255, 100, 100
	d3mkparticle  3,  127, 255, 127
	d3mkparticle  4,  127, 255, 255
	d3mkparticle  5,  100, 127, 255

	; ptc 画像読み込み
	buffer TEX_TEMP, 160, 160

#define PTC_STAR 6
#define PTC_MOON 7
#define PTC_XS   8

	picload "star.jpg", 1
	d3ldparticle PTC_STAR, TEX_TEMP, 0, 0, 160, 160

	picload "flmoon.jpg", 1
	d3ldparticle PTC_MOON, TEX_TEMP, 0, 0, 160, 160

	; ×型
	arr = 4,  4,  30, 30, 150, 30
	d3mkparticle  PTC_XS,  200, 200, 400,  arr

	; get "d3module" dots
	picload "d3mlogo.gif", 1 ; 68 x 18
	cx = 68 : cy = 18 : d3tc = 0
	repeat cy
		y = cnt
		repeat cx
			x = cnt
			pget x, y
			if ginfo_r {
				d3tx(d3tc) = cx/2 - x
				d3ty(d3tc) = cy/2 - y

	; メタルテクスチャ作成
	buffer TEX_TEMP,  64, 1024
	repeat 64
		hsvcolor , , (1.0 - sin(_PI * cnt / 63)) * 240
		boxf cnt, , cnt
	buffer TEX_METAL, 64, 1024
	repeat 1024
		hsvcolor cnt / 4, 128, 128 + rnd(64)
		boxf , cnt, , cnt
	gmode 6, ginfo_winx, ginfo_winy, 192
	gcopy TEX_TEMP

	; letter 画像読み込み
	celload "letter.jpg", TEX_FONT
	fntx = 80
	fnty = 60

	fnt_s6 = 0.0625
	fnt_s4 = 0.046875
	fnt_s3 = 0.03125

	; 010101 画像読み込み
	celload "digits.gif", TEX_DGIT

	; moon gnd 画像読み込み
	celload "moongnd.jpg", TEX_MOON

	; double ary
	ddim ptcx, 16
	ddim ptcy, 16
	ddim ptcz, 16

	ddim afx, 16
	ddim afy, 16
	ddim afz, 16

	; str table
	sdim astr_ins, 16, 9
	astr_ins = "d3arrow", "d3box", "d3circle", "d3line", "d3lineto", "d3mes", "d3particle", "d3pset", "d3ribbonto"

	sdim astr_cred, 16, 9
	astr_cred = "s.programs", "d3module", "techdemo", "created by", "sprocket,", "running on", "HSP 3.5,", "music : 'Vijore'", "by onoken"


;============================================================   ■  ■
;	demo mainloop
;============================================================ ■  ■   LOOP

	bpm = 144.0
	bt_len = 928  ; length; beat (386.66 sec)
	st_pos = 666  ; start offset; ms
	frms = 0      ; bench score

#if DVMODE ! 0
;	********************************************************************** startpos
	st_pos = int(12.0 * 1920000 / bpm)
;	**********************************************************************

	if chk_sound {
		mci "open \"" + dir_cur + "\\vijore.wma\" alias snds"

		if stat = -1 {
			dialog "サウンド再生エラー\nサウンド OFF で実行します。", , "error"
			chk_sound = 0

	if chk_sound {
		mci "set snds time format milliseconds"
		mci "seek snds to " + st_pos
		mci "play snds"
	} else {
		time_offset = d3timer() - st_pos

	color : boxf

	; demo main-loop
		await (chk_fulsp = 0) * 16

		; escape
		stick ka, 1023 : if ka & 128 : frms = 0 : break

		; music timer
		if chk_sound {
			mci "status snds position"
			ms = stat
		} else {
			ms = d3timer() - time_offset

#if 0
		; ss-bmp saver
		a = ms / 500
		if a ! bkms {
			bkms = a
			bmpsave "sc" + strf("%04d", a) + ".bmp"

		fbt = bpm * ms / 60000 - 4
		ibt = int( fbt )

		if fbt < 0 : await 1 : continue		; 始まるのを待つ
		if ibt >= bt_len : break		; 終わり

		fps = d3getfps()

		; cbN : N beat count-up (0.0 -> 1.0)

		cb1  =  fbt -  ibt
		cb2  = (fbt - (ibt /  2 *  2)) /  2
		cb4  = (fbt - (ibt /  4 *  4)) /  4
		cb8  = (fbt - (ibt /  8 *  8)) /  8
		cb16 = (fbt - (ibt / 16 * 16)) / 16
		cb32 = (fbt - (ibt / 32 * 32)) / 32

		cb1s  = cb1  * cb1
		cb2s  = cb2  * cb2
		cb4s  = cb4  * cb4
		cb8s  = cb8  * cb8
		cb16s = cb16 * cb16
		cb32s = cb32 * cb32

		; xbN : N beat count-down (1.0 -> 0.0)

		xb1  = 1.0 - cb1
		xb2  = 1.0 - cb2
		xb4  = 1.0 - cb4
		xb8  = 1.0 - cb8
		xb16 = 1.0 - cb16
		xb32 = 1.0 - cb32

		xb1s  = xb1  * xb1
		xb2s  = xb2  * xb2
		xb4s  = xb4  * xb4
		xb8s  = xb8  * xb8
		xb16s = xb16 * xb16
		xb32s = xb32 * xb32

		; 32 beat カウンタ

		bcnt = ibt \ 32
		fcnt = cb1 + bcnt

		; preps
		redraw 0
		randomize 0
		pmode = 0
		xb1ss = xb1s

		; default bgcolor
		c = 32.0 + cos(cb32 * 12.56637) * 16
		if bcnt <  8  : c += xb8s * 160
		if bcnt >= 24 : c += cb8s * 128

		; シーン制御テーブル 32 beat (13.3 sec) / scene, (29 scenes)

		on (ibt/32) gosub *galax1, *helic1, *logotip1, *logotip2, *tips1, *rappa1, *prop1, *tube1, *tube2, *helic2, *pfeil1, *xtube1, *cubes1, *lumin1, *logotip3, *logotip4, *moon1, *moon2, *xtube2, *pfeil2, *hexa1, *penta1, *tube3, *prop2, *moon3, *moon4, *tips2, *arry1, *galax2

		if mode_blur : efctblur

		if chk_fps {
			a = ""
			repeat fps / 10 : a += "/" : loop
			a += " " + fps + " fps\n" + (ibt/32) + "-" + bcnt
			repeat 3-bcnt\4 : a += "." : loop
			repeat 2
				color , 255 * cnt
				pos 10-cnt, 10-cnt
				mes a

	if chk_sound {
		mci "stop snds"
		mci "close snds"

	; fade
	color 255, 255, 255
	gmode 6, , , 20
	ax = 0, winx, winx, 0
	ay = 0, 0, winy, winy
	repeat 16
		gsquare -1, ax, ay
		await 20

	if (ka = 0) & chk_loop : goto *mainseq


;----------------------------- beat 変形 1
	if fcnt >= 31.50 {

		; 1/2 beat 進行
		f = fbt + 0.50
		f = 1.0 - f + int(f)
		xb1ss = f * f

	} else:if fcnt >= 30.75 {

		; 1/4 beat 進行
		f = fbt + 0.25
		f = 1.0 - f + int(f)
		xb1ss = f * f

;----------------------------- beat 変形 2
	if fcnt >= 31.50 {

		; 1/2 beat 進行
		f = fbt + 0.50
		f = 1.0 - f + int(f)
		xb1ss = f * f

	} else:if fcnt >= 30.75 {

		; 1/4 beat 進行
		f = fbt + 0.25
		f = 1.0 - f + int(f)
		xb1ss = f * f

	} else:if fcnt >= 30.00 {

		xb1ss = xb1s

	} else:if fcnt >= 28.00 {

		xb1ss = xb2s

;============================================================   ■  ■   DEMO SCENE
;	Beatbeatbeat!!@#$%^&*
;============================================================ ■  ■  ■

;============================================================ □
; telop typer
; inp : [gmode], str types, wx, py, sx, sy
#deffunc screen_type str inp1, double wx, double py, double sx, double sy
	types = inp1
	ppy = int( py * winy@ - sy / 2 )

	ssx = 0.5 * winx@ * sx
	ssy = 0.5 * winy@ * sy
	ay = ppy-ssy, ppy-ssy, ppy+ssy, ppy+ssy
	by = 0, 0, fnty@, fnty@

	len = strlen(types) - 1

	repeat len + 1
		x = int( ( (double(cnt)/len - 0.5) * wx + 0.5 ) * winx@)

		ax =  x-ssx,  x+ssx,  x+ssx,  x-ssx

		tx = fntx@ * (peek(types, cnt) - ' ')
		bx = tx, tx+fntx@, tx+fntx@, tx

		gsquare TEX_FONT@, ax, ay, bx, by


;============================================================ □
; 010101 polys

	POLYS = 11
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	; トンネル
	repeat 5
		z0 = 1000 * cnt
		z1 = z0 + 700
		az = z0, z1, z1, z0

		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt - 0.08
			x0 = cos(th) * r
			y0 = sin(th) * r

			th = dh * cnt + 0.08
			x1 = cos(th) * r
			y1 = sin(th) * r

			ax = x0, x0, x1, x1
			ay = y0, y0, y1, y1
			d3texture ax, ay, az,  TEX_DGIT, rnd(8)*80, 0, 80, 24


;============================================================ ■
; galaxy
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	if bcnt >= 28 {
		cc = cb4s * 5 + 1
	} else:if bcnt >= 8 {
		cc = 1.0
	} else {
		cc = cb8
	cc += sin(cb32 * 12.56637) / 8

	; カメラセッティング
	d3setcam 0, 700 + xb32 * 2000, 600

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop
	sx = fnt_s6
	sy = fnt_s6
	py = 0.3

	wx = sin((cb32) * _2PI) * 0.8
	if wx > 0.0 {
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "s.programs", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 - 0.5) * _2PI) * 0.8
	if wx > 0.0 {
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "d3module", wx, py, sx, sy

	sx = fnt_s3
	sy = fnt_s3
	py = 0.75

	if chk_sound {
		wx = sin((cb32) * _2PI) * 0.7
		if wx > 0.0 {
			gmode 5, , , wx * 300
			screen_type "music : 'Vijore' by onoken", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 + 0.5) * _2PI) * 0.5
	if wx > 0.0 {
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "press [Esc] to exit", wx, py, sx, sy

	; フレア
	if bcnt >= 28 {
		d3setcam 2
		repeat 50
			r = (1.0 - (0.001 * rnd(rnd(1000) + 1))) * cb4 * 0.7 + 0.1
			f = cb32 + rnd(32768)
			gmode 5, , , cb4s * 224
			d3particle 0, 0, sin(f) * r, cos(f) * r, 0.02

			if rnd(3) = 0 {
				gmode 5, , , cb4s * 64
				d3particlem 5, 0.10

	boxf , , , 0.125 * winy
	boxf , 0.875 * winy

;----------------------------- Phase 2
	if bcnt >= 24 {
		cc = xb8
	} else:if bcnt >= 8 {
		cc = 1
	} else {
		cc = sqrt(cb8)

	; カメラセッティング
	d3setcam 0, 1100 + cb32s * 2000, 600

	pmode = 1

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop

	wx = sin(cb32 * _PI * 1.5) * 0.6
	if wx > 0.0 {
		sx = fnt_s3
		sy = fnt_s3
		gmode 5, , , wx * 400
		py = 0.2
		screen_type "Thank you...", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 - 0.25) * _PI * 1.5) * 0.6
	if wx > 0.0 {
		sx = fnt_s3
		sy = fnt_s3
		gmode 5, , , wx * 400
		py = 0.8
		screen_type "Benchmark score : " + frms, wx, py, sx, sy

;----------------------------- main
	; 背景
	c = cc * 16
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.2 * c, 0, 255), limit(1.4 * c, 0, 255)

	; stars
	repeat 800
		if pmode {
			z = limit( rnd(5000) - cb32s * 2000, -59999, 0)
		} else {
			z = limit( rnd(5000) - cb32s * 2000 - 2800, 0, 59999)

		r = double( rnd(600) )
		f = r / 200 + 0.002 * rnd(32768) / (r + 100) + _2PI * cnt / 5 - cb32

		; 厚み (1.66+)
		a = double( rnd(5000) ) / (r + 100)
		if rnd(2) {
			z += a
		} else {
			z -= a

		gmode 5, , , cc * 224
		d3particle  0,  cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, z,  15 * (600 - r) / 600 + 2

		if rnd(4) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , cc * 64
			d3particlem 5, 45 * (600 - r) / 600 + 5

		if rnd(8) = 0 {
			a = sin(cb32*_PI*4 + cnt*cnt)
			gmode 5, , , a * limit( cc * 64, 0, 64 )
			d3particlem PTC_XS, a * 90

	; x
	gmode 5, , , cc * 64
	d3particle    5,  0, 0, 0,  500
	d3particlem   2,  300
	d3particlemr  PTC_STAR, cb2s*(bcnt>=30)*200 + 200, -cb32
	d3particlemr  PTC_STAR,                       200,  cb32 * 3

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 200
		gmode 5, , , cc * 224
		d3particle  0,  rnd(4000)-2000, -rnd(4000), rnd(4000)-2000,  7

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , cc * 64
			d3particlem 5, 30


;============================================================ ■
; らせん
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; カメラ座標
	r = 10000 - cb32s*cb32s*cb32s*cb32s * 10000
	f = cb32 * 2 + cb32s*cb32s*cb32s*cb32s * 6
	d3setcam sin(f) * r, cos(f) * r, 8000 - r/2,  0, 0, 8000

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop

	wx = sin((cb32) * _PI) * 0.8
	if wx > 0.0 {
		sx = fnt_s6
		sy = fnt_s6
		py = 0.3
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "techdemo", wx, py, sx, sy

	sx = fnt_s3
	sy = fnt_s3

	wx = sin((cb32) * _2PI) * 0.4
	if wx > 0.0 {
		py = 0.70
		gmode 5, , , wx * 400
		screen_type "Written in", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 - 0.25) * _2PI) * 0.7
	if wx > 0.0 {
		py = 0.75
		gmode 5, , , wx * 400
		screen_type "Hot Soup Processor", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 - 0.50) * _2PI) * 0.4
	if wx > 0.0 {
		py = 0.80
		gmode 5, , , wx * 400
		screen_type "Version 3.5", wx, py, sx, sy

	boxf , , , 0.125 * winy
	boxf , 0.875 * winy

;----------------------------- Phase 2
	if bcnt < 4 : useblur xb4 * 192
	if bcnt < 8 : c += xb8 * 32

	; カメラセッティング
	if bcnt < 16 {
		y  = 6000.0 - cb16s * 3000
		cz = xb16s * 16000
		tz = xb16s * 16000
	} else {
		y  = xb16s * 3000
		cz = cb16s*cb16 * 16000
		tz = cb16s      * 16000
	d3setcam  0, y, cz,  0, 0, tz

	gosub *@f

;----------------------------- main
	; 背景 (c, c, c)
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	; らせん
	; draw 0 - 16000, 300 - 1000

	c += 160
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	repeat 101
		z0 = 16000.0 * (100 - cnt) / 100
		th = 3.395 * cnt + cb32*10
		a = cnt

		repeat 5
			r = cnt * 150 + 400
			x0 = cos(th) * r
			y0 = sin(th) * r

			if cnt = 4 {
				d3circle x0, y0, z0, 70, 1
				gmode 5, , , 160
				d3particlem a\4+1, 210
			} else {
				d3circle x0, y0, z0, 30, 1
				gmode 5, , , 160
				d3particlem a\4+1, 90

	; 極
	repeat 2
		zz = cnt * 16000
		gmode 5, , , 48
		d3particle   0,  0, 0, zz,  1500
		gmode 5, , , 128
		d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 700, -cb32
		d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 700, cb32 * 3

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 500
		gmode 5, , , 192
		d3particle  cnt\6,  rnd(4000)-2000, rnd(4000)-2000, rnd(20000)-2000,  30

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 32
			d3particlem cnt\6, 240

		if rnd(16) = 0 {
			a = sin(cb32*_PI*4 + cnt*cnt)
			gmode 5, , , a * 72
			d3particlem PTC_XS, a * 480

	repeat 100
		gmode 5, , , 192
		d3particle  0,  rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(20000)-2000,  30

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 32
			d3particlem 5, 240


;============================================================ ■
; logo tips
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; カメラ座標
	d3setcam  xb32 * 5000 - 4500, xb32s*xb32s*xb32s * -3000, 0,  0, xb32s * 2000, 0

	nx = xb32 * 700 + 200

	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c * 2, 0, 255)

	gmd = 160

	gosub *@f

	boxf , , , 0.125 * winy
	boxf , 0.875 * winy

;----------------------------- Phase 11
	; カメラ座標
	d3setcam  xb32 * 5000 - 4500, xb32s*xb32s*xb32s * -3000, 0,  0, xb32s * 2000, 0

	nx = xb32 * 700 + 200

	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c * 2, 0, 255)

	gmd = 160

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- Phase 2
	; blur
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c * 2, 0, 255)

	if bcnt < 16 {
		a = xb16s * xb16s * 64
		color limit(ginfo_r+a, 0, 255), limit(ginfo_g+a, 0, 255), limit(ginfo_b+a, 0, 255)

		boxf , , , 0.125 * winy
		boxf , 0.875 * winy

	randomize 0

	; カメラ座標
	y = cb32s*cb32s*cb32s * 3000
	d3setcam  xb32s * 3000 + cb32s * 8000 - 8000, y, 0,   0, -y, 0

	nx = cb32s * 900

	gmd = 160
	if bcnt < 16 {
		gmd += xb16s * 64

	pmode = 1

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop

	if bcnt < 16 {
		wx = 0.5 + (sqrt(cb32)) / 3
		sx = fnt_s4
		sy = fnt_s4
		gmode 5, , , xb16s * xb16 * 120

		py = 0.3
		screen_type "s.programs", wx, py, sx, sy

		py = 0.7
		screen_type "Version " + VER, wx, py, sx, sy

		; fire-particles
		d3setcam 0, -100, 0
		repeat 150
			f = rnd(32768)
			r = sqrt(cb32) * rnd(200) + 30
			gmode 5, , , xb16s * 48
			d3particle  1, cos(f) * r, 0, sin(f) * r / 3, 1
			gmode 5, , , xb16s * 24
			if cnt \ 3 = 0 {
				d3particlem PTC_XS, 4
			} else {
				d3particlem 5, 4

;----------------------------- Phase 3
	; blur
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; カメラ座標
	r = cb32s * 3000 + 5900
	f = 1.57 * cb32s + _PI
	d3setcam  cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, 0,  xb32s * 5000, 0, 0

	nx = cb32s * 800

	; 背景

	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c * 2, 0, 255)

	gmd = 192

	gosub *@f

;----------------------------- Phase 4
	; blur
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; カメラ座標
	d3setcam  1, (cb32-0.5)*6000 + 1, 3000,  0, (cb32-0.5)*6000, 0

	nx = 1400

	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c * 2, 0, 255)

	gmd = 100

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	gmode 5, , , gmd

	; タイル
	repeat d3tc
		x = (rnd(1000) - 500) * nx / 1000
		z = d3ty(cnt) * 100
		y = d3tx(cnt) * 100 - z/5

		ax = x, x, x, x
		ay = y - 150, y + 150, y + 150, y - 150
		az = z -  50, z -  50, z +  50, z +  50

		d3particle  5, x, y, z, 60

		if bcnt < 16 & pmode {
			gmode 5, , , xb16s * 224
			if cnt\6 {
				d3particlem 5, 140
			} else {
				d3particlem PTC_STAR, 250
			gmode 5, , , gmd

		if stat : d3texture ax, ay, az, TEX_METAL, 0, 400 + z/3, 64, 32

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 600
		gmode 5, , , gmd
		d3particle  0,  rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000,  18

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , gmd / 6
			d3particlem 5,  72


;============================================================ ■
; 010101 tips
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; blur
	if bcnt < 8 : useblur xb8 * 224

	; bgcolor+
	if bcnt >= 24 : c += xb8s*xb8 * 224
	cc = 1

	; カメラ座標
	y = cb32s*cb32s*cb32s * 5500 - 5000 + xb32s * 2000
	d3setcam  0, y, xb32 * 800,  0, 10000, xb32 * -30000

	nx = 1000

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop

	sx = fnt_s3
	sy = fnt_s3
	py = 0.5

	wx = sin((cb32) * _2PI) * 0.7
	if wx > 0.0 {
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "'s.programs net' moved to", wx, py, sx, sy

	wx = sin((cb32 - 0.5) * _2PI) * 0.7
	if wx > 0.0 {
		gmode 5, , , wx * 300
		screen_type "http://spn.php.xdomain.jp/", wx, py, sx, sy

;----------------------------- Phase 2
	; blur
	if bcnt < 8 : useblur xb8 * 224

	if bcnt >= 24 {
		cc = xb8
	} else:if bcnt >= 4 {
		cc = 1
	} else {
		cc = xb4s / 4 + 1
	c = cc * c ; bgc

	; カメラ座標
	d3setcam  cb32s * -1000, sin(cb32 * _PI * 1.2) * 4000, cb32s*cb32 * -5000,  0,0,0,  cb32s * 2 + 1

	nx = xb32 * 1000 + 50

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.5 * c, 0, 255)

	gmode 5, , , cc * 160

	; タイル
	repeat d3tc
		x = (rnd(1000) - 500) * nx / 1000
		z = d3ty(cnt) * -100
		y = d3tx(cnt) *  150

		ax = x, x, x, x
		ay = y - 150, y + 150, y + 150, y - 150
		az = z -  50, z -  50, z +  50, z +  50

		d3particle  5, z, y, x, 55
		if stat : d3texture az, ay, ax, TEX_DGIT, cnt\8*80, 0, 80, 24

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 600
		gmode 5, , , cc * 160
		d3particle  0,  rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000,  18

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , cc * 32
			d3particlem 5,  72


;============================================================ ■
; ラッパ
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; bgcolor
	if bcnt < 28  : c += xb1s * 64

	; カメラ座標
	r = xb32s * 1000
	d3setcam  r, r, r + 600,  0, xb32 * 600, 400 - cb32s * 800

	gosub *@f

	; opening telop
	if bcnt < 8 {
		wx = xb32
		sx = fnt_s6
		sy = fnt_s6
		gmode 5, , , xb8s * 64
		py = 0.77 + cb8 * 0.11
		types = "d3module"
		screen_type types, wx, py, sx, sy

	sx = fnt_s3
	sy = fnt_s3

	repeat 9
		wx = sin((cb32 - 0.0625 * cnt) * _2PI) * 0.5
		if wx > 0.0 {
			types = astr_ins(cnt)
			py = 0.1 + 0.1 * cnt
			gmode 5, , , wx * 255
			screen_type types, wx, py, sx, sy

;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 64, limit(c, 0, 255)

	; ラッパ設定
	hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 128, 255

	POLYS = 22

	; rappa beat
	if bcnt <= 27 {
		zz = xb1s * 77
		aa = xb1s * _2PI
	} else {
		zz = 0.0
		aa = xb4 * _2PI ;0.0

	; draw ラッパ
	dh = _2PI / POLYS
	r1 = 0.0

	repeat 10
		r0 = r1
		r1 = r1 * 1.2 + 40

		c = cnt
		z0 = sqrt( absf( cos( _PI * c / 10 ) ) ) * 200 + c*c * 2 + zz * sqrt(10-c)
		c = cnt + 1
		z1 = sqrt( absf( cos( _PI * c / 10 ) ) ) * 200 + c*c * 2 + zz * sqrt(10-c)

		gra = 0.1 * (10 - cnt)


		repeat POLYS + 1
			th = dh * cnt + cb32*2
			x0 = cos(th) * r0
			y0 = sin(th) * r0
			x1 = cos(th) * r1
			y1 = sin(th) * r1

			gmode 5, , , gra * ((sin(th * 3 + aa) + 1) * 72 + 72 + rnd(64))

			d3ribbonto x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1

			if cnt {
				gmode 5, , , gra * 200
				d3particlem 1, 10

				if rnd(3) = 0 {
					gmode 5, , , gra * 100
					d3particlem 0, r1 / 10 + 20

		; sonic
		if cnt \ 3 = 1 {
			z0 -= zz * sqrt(10-cnt) * 5
			z1 += zz * sqrt(10-cnt) * 5
			repeat POLYS + 1
				th = dh * cnt + cb32*2
				x0 = cos(th) * r0
				y0 = sin(th) * r0
				x1 = cos(th) * r1
				y1 = sin(th) * r1
				gmode 5, , , gra * sin(th * 4) * zz / 2
				d3ribbonto x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1

	; 以下 別座標系で描画
	c = 0.0
	if bcnt <  8  : c += xb8s * -1000
	if bcnt >= 28 : c += cb4s * 2000

	x = cb32 * 2000 - 1000
	d3setcam  x, 1000 - c, 0,  x, -10000, 0

	gmode 5, , , 160

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 200
		d3particle  1,  rnd(4000)-2000, -rnd(1000), rnd(2000)-1000,  10


;============================================================ ■
; プロペラ
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; blur
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; bgcolor
	if bcnt < 29 : c += xb1s * 32

	; camera
	x = cb32 * 4000 + 40
	y = 50.0 - xb32 * 100
	d3setcam  y - 30, x, y,  0, -10000, 0

	pmode = 1

	phase = cb32 * 30 + cb32s*cb32 * 30

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- Phase 2
	; bgcolor
	c += sin(_PI * cb32) * xb1s * 16

	; camera
	d3setcam  sin(cb32*2.3)*200+200, cb32 * 4400 - 500, 0,  0, cb32 * 3400, 0,  2.2

	phase = cb32 * 27.7 + 0.9

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 64, limit(c, 0, 255)

	; 軸
	hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 128, limit(c * 5, 0, 255)
	POLYS = 3
	dh = _2PI / POLYS
	repeat POLYS
		th = dh * cnt + phase
		x0 = cos(th) * 2
		y0 = sin(th) * 2
		d3line  x0, 0, y0,  x0, 4000, y0

	; fog
	if pmode {
		; case

		POLYS = 13
		dh = _2PI / POLYS

		hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 64, limit(c * 1.44, 0, 255)
		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt - cb32 * 6
			x0 = cos(th) * 500
			y0 = sin(th) * 500
			d3line  x0, -6000, y0,  x0, 6000, y0

			th = dh * cnt - cb32 * 6 + 0.04
			x0 = cos(th) * 500
			y0 = sin(th) * 500
			d3line  x0, -5000, y0,  x0, 5000, y0

			th = dh * cnt - cb32 * 6 + 0.08
			x0 = cos(th) * 500
			y0 = sin(th) * 500
			d3line  x0, -4000, y0,  x0, 4000, y0

		gmode 5, , , 64
		d3particle   5,  0, -4500, 0,  2000
		d3particlem  0, 1000
		d3particlem  0, 500

	POINTS = 64
	gmode 5, , , 160
	repeat POINTS + 1
		d3particle 0, 0, cnt * 4000 / POINTS, 0, 5
		if rnd(2) : d3particlem 5, 15

	; プロペラ

	POLYS = 5
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	hsvcolor cb32 * 192 + 96, 128, 192

	repeat 8
		phase += dh / 2
		z = 500 * cnt

		gmode 5, , , 160
		d3particle 0, 0, z, 0, 20
		d3particlem 5, 60

		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt + phase


			repeat 6
				r0 = 60 * cnt

				a = 0.05 * (7-cnt) ; 前縁
				x0 = cos(th+a) * r0
				y0 = sin(th+a) * r0

				a = -a ; 後縁
				x1 = cos(th+a) * r0
				y1 = sin(th+a) * r0

				zz = 4 * (6-cnt)

				gmode 5, , , absf(sin(th)) * (6-cnt)/6 * 192 + 16
				d3ribbonto x0, z-zz, y0,  x1, z+zz, y1

				if cnt {
					gmode 5, , , 100
					d3particlem 1, 5
					if rnd(2) : d3particlem cnt, 15

	if pmode {
		; 以下 別座標系で描画
		c = 0.0
		if bcnt <  8  : c += xb8s * 500
		if bcnt >= 28 : c += cb4s * 2000

		x = cb32 * 2000 - 1000
		d3setcam  x, 1000 - c, 0,  x, -10000, 0

		gmode 5, , , 128

		f = 0.0
		if bcnt < 28 : f += xb1s * 100

		; 浮遊物
		repeat 100
			d3particle  0,  rnd(4000)-2000, -rnd(1500)+f, rnd(3000)-1500,  15

		; 010101 polys
		if bcnt < 8 {
			; セッティング
			d3setcam 0, 0, xb8 * 5000,  cos(cb8 * 3), sin(cb8 * 3), -10000
			gmode 5, , , xb8 * 128
			r = 1000

			goto *draw_numpolys

	} else {
		; 浮遊物
		repeat 800
			r = rnd(1000) + 100
			f = phase * (1200-r) / 6000 + rnd(32768)

			gmode 5, , , 128
			d3particle  0,  cos(f) * r, (rnd(10000) + cb32*(1000-r)*5 )\8000 - 1000, sin(f) * r,  5

			if rnd(3) = 0 {
				gmode 5, , , 40
				d3particlem 0, 20


;============================================================ ■
; トンネル
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 192

	gosub *mod_xb1ss

	c += xb1ss * 32	; bgcolor

	; 背景 (c, c, c)
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	; カメラセッティング

	f = cb32 * 11
	r = cb32s * 2000 + xb32s * 2000 - 2000

	d3setcam  0, 0, cb32 * 14000 + 1000,  sin(f)*r, cos(f)*r, cb32 * 20000 - 2000

	gosub *@f

;----------------------------- Phase 2
	if bcnt <  8  : useblur xb8 * 192
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 192

	if bcnt < 29  : c += xb1s * 32	; bgcolor

	; 背景 (c, c, c)
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	; カメラセッティング

	f = cb32 * 11
	r = cb32s * 2000 + xb32s * 2000 - 2000

	d3setcam  0, 0, cb32 * 14000 + 1000,  sin(f)*r, cos(f)*r, cb32 * 20000 - 2000

	pmode = 1 ; モード

	gosub *@f

;----------------------------- Phase 3 - making
	; bgcolor
	c += sin(_PI * cb32) * xb1s * 10

	; 背景 (c, c, c)
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	; カメラセッティング
	d3setcam sin(cb32 * _PI) * 700, 0, 8000,   0, 0, cb32 * 14000 + 1000

	; allow + circle

	f = cb32 * 11
	r = cb32s * 2000 + xb32s * 2000 - 2000

	a = 160
	color limit(ginfo_r+a, 0, 255), limit(ginfo_g+a, 0, 255), limit(ginfo_b+a, 0, 255)

	d3circle  0, 0, cb32 * 14000 + 1000,  30, 1
	if stat : pos dx@d3m+5, dy@d3m+5 : mes "camera"
	d3circle  sin(f)*r, cos(f)*r, cb32 * 20000 - 2000,  200
	if stat : pos dx@d3m+5, dy@d3m+5 : mes "target"
	d3arrow sin(f)*r, cos(f)*r, cb32 * 20000 - 2000,   0, 0, cb32 * 14000 + 1000

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; 周 POLYS
	POLYS = 8
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	; トンネル

	r0 = 1000

	hsvcolor 100, 192, 255

	repeat 19, bcnt
		z0 = 1000 * (cnt\19 - 1) - 400
		z1 = z0 + 800

		az = z0, z0, z1, z1

		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt - 0.24 + dh/2
			x0 = cos(th) * r0
			y0 = sin(th) * r0

			th = dh * cnt + 0.24 + dh/2
			x1 = cos(th) * r0
			y1 = sin(th) * r0

			if pmode {
				gmode 5, , , 128
				d3particle  0, (x0+x1)/2, (y0+y1)/2, (z0+z1)/2, 300

				; カラフルモード
				hsvcolor rnd(192), 192, 255
				gmode 5, , , 160

			} else {
				gmode 5, , , 64
				d3particle  0, (x0+x1)/2, (y0+y1)/2, (z0+z1)/2, 300

				; OFF モード
				if bcnt <  16 : gmode 5, , , 32
				if bcnt >= 16 : gmode 5, , , 32 + xb16s*xb16 * 224

			if stat {
				ax = x0, x1, x1, x0
				ay = y0, y1, y1, y0
				d3square ax, ay, az ; トンネル

	gmode 5, , , 224
	d3particle  0,  0, 0,     0,  1000
	gmode 5, , , 128
	d3particlem 0, 2000

	gmode 5, , , 224
	d3particle  0,  0, 0, 16000,  1000
	gmode 5, , , 128
	d3particlem 0, 2000

	if pmode {
		; 浮遊物
		gmode 5, , , 224
		repeat 400
			d3particle  cnt\6,  rnd(820)-410, rnd(820)-410, rnd(16000),  25


;============================================================ ■
; 飛行機
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	gosub *mod_xb1ss

	; bgcolor
	c += xb1ss * 8
	if bcnt < 8 : c += xb8 * 32

	; setcam
	r = 2000 - xb32s * 2000 - cb32s * 2000
	f = cb32 * 6
	d3setcam  cos(f) * r, cb32s*cb32s * 2000 - 2450, sin(f) * r,  0, xb32s * -1000, 0

	; 姿勢
	x = 0.0
	y = 0.0
	z = 0.0
	ang = -cos(f + 1.5)

	; パラメータ
	arkf	= 0.5
	ppitch	= 0.2
	pphase	= cb32 * 150
	bgspeed	= 40000

	gosub *@f

;----------------------------- Phase 2
	gosub *mod_xb1ss_2

	; bgcolor
	c += xb1ss * 8
	if bcnt < 8 : c += xb8s * 64

	; setcam
	r = 1500
	f = sin(cb32 * 5.8) * 0.7 - 1.48
	d3setcam  cos(f) * r,  sin(f) * r,  sin(cb32 * _PI) * 500 ;cb32s*cb32s*500 - cb32*62.5

	; 姿勢
	x = 0.0
	y = 0.0
	z = cb32s * 2000
	ang = cos(cb32 * _PI) * 6

	; パラメータ
	arkf	= sin(cb8s * cb8 * _PI * 5) * 10 * cb8s * cb8 * (bcnt >= 24) ; はばたき
	ppitch	= ( xb16 * 0.2 * (bcnt < 16))
	pphase	= (-xb16s * xb16s * 32 * (bcnt < 16)) - _PI / 6
	bgspeed	= cb32 * 80000 + 40000

	pmode = 1

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.6 * c, 0, 255)

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 300
		gmode 5, , , 224
		d3particle  0,  rnd(4000)-2000, (rnd(32768) - cb32 * bgspeed + 1000000)\10000-3000, (rnd(32768) + xb32*5000)\4000-2000,  10

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 32
			d3particlem  5, 40

		if rnd(16) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 32
			d3particlem  PTC_XS, 100

	; ローカル座標設定
	d3setlocal x, z, y,  cos(ang),0,-sin(ang),  0,1,0,  sin(ang),0,cos(ang)

	; ノズル位置 index
	ptcc = 0

	; craft (-300〜300 cube)
	repeat 1
		hsvcolor , , 192

		; 胴体
		repeat 61
			y = cnt * 10 - 300
			r = sin(0.0523 * cnt) * 30 + 5
			th = 0.3 * cnt + cb32 * 100
			gmode 5, , , rnd(64) + 64
			d3ribbonto cos(th) * -r, y, sin(th) * -r,  cos(th) * r, y, sin(th) * r

		; 主翼
		POLYS = 2
		dh = _2PI / POLYS
		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt
			repeat 7
				gmode 5, , , (7 - cnt) * 33
				x1 = cos(th) * cnt * 60
				y1 = sin(th) * cnt * 60
				d3ribbonto x1, 120-6*cnt*cnt, y1 + 10 + arkf*cnt*cnt, x1, -4*cnt*cnt, y1 - 10 + arkf*cnt*cnt

				gmode 5, , , 192
				d3particlem 1, 10
				gmode 5, , , 32
				d3particlem 0, 50

				if pmode = 0 {
					; ノズル位置記録
					if cnt >= 6 {
						ptcx(ptcc) = x1
						ptcy(ptcc) = y1 - 10 + arkf*cnt*cnt
						ptcz(ptcc) = -4*cnt*cnt

		; 尾翼
		POLYS = 3
		dh = _2PI / POLYS
		repeat POLYS
			th = dh * cnt + 1.5707963
			repeat 4
				gmode 5, , , (4 - cnt) * 50
				x1 = cos(th) * cnt * 50
				y1 = sin(th) * cnt * 50
				d3ribbonto x1, -150-sqrt(cnt)*50, y1, x1, -260, y1

				gmode 5, , , 192
				d3particlem 1, 10
				gmode 5, , , 32
				d3particlem 0, 50

				if pmode {
					; ノズル位置記録
					if cnt >= 3 {
						ptcx(ptcc) = x1
						ptcy(ptcc) = y1
						ptcz(ptcc) = -260

		; ペラ
		POLYS = 3
		dh = _2PI / POLYS
		repeat 2
			if cnt {
				; rear
				z0 = -300
				az = z0 + 10, z0 - 10, z0 - 10, z0 + 10
				phase = pphase
				ppitch = -ppitch
			} else {
				; front
				z0 = 300
				az = z0 - 10, z0 + 10, z0 + 10, z0 - 10
				phase  = -phase

			repeat POLYS
				th = dh * cnt + phase
				repeat 4
					gmode 5, , , (4 - cnt) * 50
					x1 = cos(th + ppitch * cnt / 2) * cnt * 50
					y1 = sin(th + ppitch * cnt / 2) * cnt * 50
					x2 = cos(th + ppitch * cnt / 2 + ppitch) * cnt * 50
					y2 = sin(th + ppitch * cnt / 2 + ppitch) * cnt * 50
					d3ribbonto x1, z0+10, y1, x2, z0-10, y2

					gmode 5, , , 192
					d3particlem 1, 10
					gmode 5, , , 32
					d3particlem 0, 50


	if pmode = 0 {
		; ダスト
		dzmax = 2000
		repeat 200
			dz = (cnt * 10 + cb4 * dzmax) \ dzmax

			x = ptcx(cnt\ptcc)
			y = ptcy(cnt\ptcc)
			z = ptcz(cnt\ptcc)

			r = sqrt(dz) * 2
			th = cnt;0.001 * rnd(6283)

			gmode 5, , , (dzmax - dz) * 128 / dzmax
			d3particle  PTC_XS,  cos(th) * r + x, z - dz, sin(th) * r + y,  25

	if pmode {
		; x-ダスト
		dzmax = 120 ; blue
		repeat 12
			dz = (cnt * 10 + cb1 * dzmax * 2) \ dzmax

			x = ptcx(cnt\ptcc)
			y = ptcy(cnt\ptcc)
			z = ptcz(cnt\ptcc)

			r = dz / 100
			th = 0.001 * rnd(6283)

			gmode 5, , , (dzmax - dz) * 128 / dzmax
			d3particle  5,  cos(th) * r + x, z - dz, sin(th) * r + y,  dz / 3 + 100

		dzmax = 400 ; blue
		repeat 40
			dz = (cnt * 10 + cb1 * dzmax * 2) \ dzmax

			x = ptcx(cnt\ptcc)
			y = ptcy(cnt\ptcc)
			z = ptcz(cnt\ptcc)

			r = dz / 30
			th = 0.001 * rnd(6283)

			gmode 5, , , (dzmax - dz) * 192 / dzmax
			d3particle  5,  cos(th) * r + x, z - dz, sin(th) * r + y,  30

		dzmax = 600 ; yellow
		repeat 60
			dz = (cnt * 10 + cb1 * dzmax * 2) \ dzmax

			x = ptcx(cnt\ptcc)
			y = ptcy(cnt\ptcc)
			z = ptcz(cnt\ptcc)

			r = dz / 100
			th = 0.001 * rnd(6283)

			gmode 5, , , (dzmax - dz) * 100 / dzmax
			d3particle  1,  cos(th) * r + x, z - dz, sin(th) * r + y,  dz / 10 + 40

		dzmax = 2000 ; white
		repeat 100
			dz = (cnt * 20 + cb1 * dzmax) \ dzmax

			x = ptcx(cnt\ptcc)
			y = ptcy(cnt\ptcc)
			z = ptcz(cnt\ptcc)

			r = dz / 150
			th = 0.001 * rnd(6283)

			gmode 5, , , sin(_PI * sqrt(double(dz)/dzmax) ) * 32
			d3particle  0,  cos(th) * r + x, z - dz - 600, sin(th) * r + y,  dz / 30 + 50

		; ローカル座標設定
		a = cb4s
		d3setlocal 0, 0, 0,  cos(a),0,-sin(a),  0,1,0,  sin(a),0,cos(a)

		; stargate
		if bcnt >= 16 {
			; tunnel
			repeat 5
				gmode 5, , , cb16s * cb16s * (10 - cnt) * 30
				d3particle 5, 0, 10000 - cnt * 2000, 0, cnt * 200 + 500
		if bcnt >= 28 {
			; gate
			y  = 4000
			rr = cb4s * 5000
			gmode 5, , , cb4s * 100

			POLYS = 80
			dh = _2PI / POLYS
			repeat 6
				a = cb32 * 10 + cnt * 2
				repeat POLYS
					x = cos(dh * cnt) * sin(dh*cnt) * cos(a*2) * rr
					z = sin(dh * cnt) * sin(dh*cnt) * cos(a/2) * rr
					d3particle PTC_XS, x, y, z, 80
		if bcnt >= 30 {
			; star
			gmode 5, , , cb2 * 128
			d3particle PTC_STAR,  0, 4000, 0,  cb4s * 1500


;============================================================ ■
; x チューブ
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	gosub *mod_xb1ss_2

	; bgcolor
	c /= 2
	c += xb1ss * 32

	; param
	cc = cb32 * 1300			; z 位置
	r = 640.0 - xb1ss * 100			; tube 半径
	mg = cos(cb32 * _2PI * 3) * 5000	; tube 曲がり
	mr = 100	; ゆれ r
	mc = 0.0009	; ゆれ sin speed
	ms = 0.0011	; ゆれ cos speed

	; カメラ転回
	f = cb32 * 10 + cos(cb32 * 10)

	gosub *@f


;----------------------------- Phase 2
	gosub *mod_xb1ss

	if bcnt > 24 : c += cb8s * 64

	; param
	cc = cb32 * 2000 + cb32s * cb32s * cb32s * 400	; z 位置
	r = 640.0 - xb1ss * 100				; tube 半径
	mg = cos(cb32 * _2PI * 3) * 5000 * xb32		; 曲がり
	mr = xb32 * 100	; ゆれ r
	mc = 0.0013	; ゆれ sin speed
	ms = 0.0017	; ゆれ cos speed

	; カメラ転回
	f = cb32 * 20 + xb32 * cos(cb32 * 10) * 2 + xb32 * sin(cb32 * 17)

	pmode = 1

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	hsvcolor 112, 64, limit(c, 0, 255)

	; setup
	POLYS = 11
	LOOPS = 11

	dh = _2PI / POLYS
	dz = 500.0 / POLYS

	cz = dz * cc
	cx = cos(mc * cz) * mr
	cy = sin(ms * cz) * mr
	d3setcam  cx, cy, cz,  cx + sin(f), cy + cos(f), cz + 100

	; チューブ
	hsvcolor (cb32 * 160) * pmode + 112, 128, 255

	repeat POLYS * LOOPS, cc
		c = cnt
		th = dh * c : z = dz * c : cr = double(c - cc) / (POLYS * LOOPS)
		x1 = cos(th) * r + cos(mc * z) * mr
		y1 = sin(th) * r + sin(ms * z) * mr + cr*cr*mg
		z1 = z

		c = cnt + POLYS
		th = dh * c : z = dz * c : cr = double(c - cc) / (POLYS * LOOPS)
		cr = double(c - cc) / (POLYS * LOOPS)
		x2 = cos(th) * r + cos(mc * z) * mr
		y2 = sin(th) * r + sin(ms * z) * mr + cr*cr*mg
		z2 = z

		if bcnt >= 28 & pmode : z2 += cb4 * dz * POLYS / 3

		gmode 5, , , (1.0-cr) * ((sin(th+f) + 1.2) * 128 + (cnt*cnt\32))
		d3ribbonto x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2

		gmode 5, , , (1.0-cr) * 56
		d3particlem 2, 150

	; 浮遊物
	repeat POLYS * LOOPS, cc
		c = cnt
		r = ((((c^0x5555)*c)^c)*c&0x7fffffff)\500 + 100

		th = dh * c : z = dz * c : cr = double(c - cc) / (POLYS * LOOPS)
		x1 = cos(th) * r + cos(mc * z) * mr
		y1 = sin(th) * r + sin(ms * z) * mr + cr*cr*mg
		z1 = z

		gmode 5, , , (1.0-cr) * 255
		d3particle  2,  x1, y1, z1,  20

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , (1.0-cr) * 64
			d3particlem 5, 100


;============================================================ ■
; cubes
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	gosub *mod_xb1ss_2

	; bgcolor
	c += xb1ss * 8

	gosub *@f


;----------------------------- main
	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.2 * c, 0, 255), limit(1.4 * c, 0, 255)

	; setcam
	cx = cb32 * 32000
	d3setcam cx, 0, 0,  cx - cos(cb32 * _2PI) * 1000, sin(cb32 * _2PI) * 500, sin(cb32 * _PI * 4) * 500,  cb32s*cb32s*cb32s*cb32s*cb32s * 3 + 1

	color limit(c+10, 0, 255), limit(1.2 * c + 20, 0, 255), limit(1.4 * c + 30, 0, 255)

	; frame 1
	repeat 36
		y = (cnt / 6) * 1000 - 2500
		z = (cnt \ 6) * 1000 - 2500

		d3line 0, y, z, 32000, y, z

	; frame 2
	repeat 9
		x = cnt * 4000
		repeat 6
			y = cnt * 1000 - 2500

			d3line  x, y, -2500,  x, y, 2500
			d3line  x, -2500, y,  x, 2500, y

	; particles
	repeat 36 * 10
		y = (cnt / 6 \ 6) * 1000 - 2500
		z = (cnt \ 6) * 1000 - 2500
		x = (-rnd(32000) + cb32 * 64000) \ 32000

		gmode 5, , , 192
		d3particle  1, x, y, z, 50

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 64
			d3particlem 5, 200

	; cubes
	color 64, 96, 128
	a = 0.0
	repeat 9
		x = cnt * 4000
		repeat 16
			y = (cnt / 4) * 1000 - 1500
			z = (cnt \ 4) * 1000 - 1500

			a += 0.5
			r = cos(xb1ss * _PI * 2 + a) * 50 + 200

			gmode 5, , , 48
			d3particle 5, x, y, z, r
			if stat : gosub *draw_cube

	gmode 5, , , 224
	d3particle  0, -1000, 0, 0, 1000
	gmode 5, , , 64
	d3particlem 5, 4000

	gmode 5, , , 224
	d3particle  0, 33000, 0, 0, 1000
	gmode 5, , , 64
	d3particlem 5, 4000


;============================================================ □
; cube □ (x, y, z, r)


	x1 = x - r
	x2 = x + r
	y1 = y - r
	y2 = y + r
	z1 = z - r
	z2 = z + r

	d3ribbonto x1, y1, z1,  x1, y1, z2
	gmode 5, , , 96
	d3ribbonto x2, y1, z1,  x2, y1, z2
	gmode 5, , , 64
	d3ribbonto x2, y2, z1,  x2, y2, z2
	gmode 5, , , 96
	d3ribbonto x1, y2, z1,  x1, y2, z2
	gmode 5, , , 64
	d3ribbonto x1, y1, z1,  x1, y1, z2

	ax = x1, x2, x2, x1
	ay = y1, y1, y2, y2
	az = z2, z2, z2, z2

	gmode 5, , , 128
	d3square  ax, ay, az


;============================================================ ■
; 光 obj
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	gosub *mod_xb1ss

	f = cb32 * 9
	r = 1700.0
	if bcnt < 4 : r -= xb4s * 1000
	d3setcam cos(f) * r, sin(f + 0.5) * r, sin(f/2) * r/2

	gosub *@f


;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	hsvcolor 112, 64, limit(c, 0, 255)

	; 球体描画

	#define ctype r_lumin(%1,%2)   500 + sin(%1 * 5 + cb32 * 30) * sin(%2) * 150 + sin(%2 * 2 + cb32 * 30) * 120
	#define ctype th_lumin(%1,%2)  %1 + %2 * sin(cb32 * _2PI * 1)
	#define ctype ph_lumin(%1,%2)  %2

	POLYS = 26 ; 球体分割数
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	flg = 1

	; oOOo
	color 96, 96, 192
	repeat POLYS / 2

		ph0 = dh *  cnt
		ph1 = dh * (cnt+1)

		if cnt + 1 = POLYS / 2 : flg = 0


		repeat POLYS + 1
			th = dh * cnt

			; default value
			x0 = 0 : y0 = 0 : z0 = r_lumin(th, ph0)
			x1 = 0 : y1 = 0 : z1 = r_lumin(th, ph1)

			; 座標を回転置換
			d3rotate y0, z0, y0, z0, ph_lumin(th, ph0)
			d3rotate x0, y0, x0, y0, th_lumin(th, ph0)

			d3rotate y1, z1, y1, z1, ph_lumin(th, ph1)
			d3rotate x1, y1, x1, y1, th_lumin(th, ph1)

			gmode 5, , , ((sin(ph0*3+cb32*30)+0.4)+(sin(th*4)+0.4)) * 50
			d3ribbonto x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1

			if cnt * flg {
				gmode 5, , , 192
				d3particlem  1, 12

				if rnd(3) = 0 {
					gmode 5, , , 32
					d3particlem  PTC_STAR, (sin(ph0*3+cb32*30)+sin(th*4)) * 50

	gmode 5, , , cos(cb32 * _2PI * 4) * 80 + 128
	d3particle 0,  0, 0, 0,  r_lumin(0.0,0.0)

	; 浮遊物
	repeat 300
		r = rnd(60) * rnd(60)
		f = rnd(32768)

		x = cos(f) * r
		y = sin(f) * r
		z = rnd(4000) - 2000

		if d3dist(x, y, z) < 1000 : continue

		gmode 5, , , 128
		d3particle  5,  x, y, z, 15

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 32
			d3particlem 5, 60


;============================================================ ■
; moonlight
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	; blur
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; カメラセッティング
	r = cb32 * 2000 + 500
	f = cb32 * 3
	d3setcam cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, 8000,   0, 0, 12000 - cb32s * 10000

	css = -10000

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- Phase 2
	if bcnt <  8  : useblur xb8 * 224

	; カメラセッティング
	r = 500 + xb32s * 5000
	f = cb32 * 3
	d3setcam cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, 3000 + (cb8s*10000*(bcnt>=24)),   0, 0, cb32s * 10000

	if bcnt >= 24 : c += cb8s * 64 ; bgc

	css = -10000

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- Phase 3
	; カメラセッティング
	r = 700
	f = cb32 + 0.3
	d3setcam cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, 10000,  0, 0, 8000

	css = 4000

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- Phase 4
	if bcnt >= 24 : useblur cb8 * 224

	; カメラセッティング
	d3setcam xb32 * 2000, 0, 4000,  0, 0, 8000 + cb32 * 10000

	css = 4000 + cb32 * 15000

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; 背景
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.5 * c, 0, 255)

	; moon
	gmode 5, , , 192
	d3particle  PTC_MOON,  0, 0, 50000,  1200
	gmode 5, , , 48
	d3particlem  0, 6000

	; moonlight
	repeat 10
		gmode 5, , , (10-cnt) * 3
		d3particle  0,  0, 0, 20000 - cnt * 1000,  cnt * 70 + 1000

	; ground
	ax = 1500, 0, 0, 1500
	ay = 1500, 1500, 0, 0
	az = 0, 0, 0, 0
	gmode 5, , , 112
	repeat 5
		f = _2PI / 5 * cnt
		repeat 4
			d3rotate afx(cnt), afy(cnt), ax(cnt), ay(cnt), f
		d3texture  afx, afy, az,  TEX_MOON, 0, 0, 480, 480,  2

	; gnd softlight
	gmode 5, , , 80
	d3particle  0,  0,0,0, 1000

	; light

	gmode 5, , , 128
	d3particle  0,  0, 0, 0,  300

	gmode 5, , , 128
	d3particlem 0, 500
	repeat 30, 1
		gmode 5, , , (30 - cnt) * 2
		d3particle 0,  0, 0, cnt * 100,  cnt * 5 + 100

	; snow
	repeat 1500
		f = rnd(32768)
		r = 0.030 * rnd(1000) : r *= r + 5
		z = 30000 * cnt / 1000

		gmode 5, , , 224
		d3particle  0,  cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, limit( (100000 + cb32 * css + z)\30000 - 10000, 0, 32768), 20

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 24
			d3particlem 5,  80

	; stars
	gmode 5, , , 192
	repeat 200
		f = rnd(32768)
		z = rnd(32768)
		r = 32768 - z
		d3particle  0,  cos(f) * r, sin(f) * r, z + 5000,  rnd(100) + 10


;============================================================ ■
; hexagon tube
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	if bcnt / 4 = 12 / 4 : useblur cb4 * 224
	if bcnt / 4 = 16 / 4 : useblur xb4 * 224

	gosub *mod_xb1ss
	c += xb1ss * 32

	; setcam
	f  = cb32 * _PI - 1.57
	cy = cb32 * 32000
	d3setcam 0, cy, 0,  cos(f) / 3, cy + sin(f), 0

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	; BG
	hsvcolor 112, 128, limit(c, 0, 255)

	POLYS = 6
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	rr = 544
	th = cb32 * 12

	color 200, 200, 255

	repeat 48, -8
		y  = cnt * 1000


		repeat POLYS + 1
			x = cos(dh * cnt + th) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt + th) * rr

			; 表示

			gmode 5, , , 112 - sin(dh * cnt + th) * 64
			d3ribbonto  x, y-100, z,  x, y+100, z

			if cnt {
				gmode 5, , , 72
				d3particlem 0, 50

		repeat POLYS
			x = cos(dh * cnt + th) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt + th) * rr

			d3particle 0, x, y-100, z, 50

	gmode 5, , , 120
	d3particle   5,  0, 32010, 0,  2000
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 300, cb32 * -4
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 400, cb32 * 3

	gmode 5, , , 120
	d3particle   5,  0, -10, 0,  2000
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 300, cb32 * -4
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 400, cb32 * 3

	; byu-byu-
	POLYS = 12
	dh = _2PI / POLYS
	gmode 5, , , 64
	repeat 31, 1
		rr = 100
		y  = cnt * 1000
		repeat POLYS
			x = cos(dh * cnt) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt) * rr
			d3particle 5, x, y + sin(dh * cnt * 6 + cb32 * 32) * 30, z, 50

	repeat 1000
		f = rnd(32768)
		r = rnd(50) + 20
		r = r * r
		gmode 5, , , 224
		d3particle  0, cos(f)*r, 2 * (25000 - (rnd(32768) + cb32 * 32768) \ 32768), sin(f)*r, 20

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 64
			d3particlem 5, 100


;============================================================ ■
; pentagon tube
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	if bcnt >= 24 & (int(cb1 * 4) \ 2) = 0 {
		on int(fcnt * 2)\6 goto *rappa1, *prop1, *tube2, *logotip11, *xtube2, *helic2

	gosub *mod_xb1ss
	c += xb1ss * 32

	; BG
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(1.5 * c, 0, 255)

	; setcam
	d3setcam 0, cb32 * 32000, 0,  0, 60000, 0

	; setcam
	r  = xb32 * 800 + xb1 * 30
	f  = cb32 * 1.4 * _2PI
	cy = cb32 * 32000
	d3setcam 0, cy, 0,  cos(f) * r, cy + 1000, sin(f) * r

	goto *@f
;----------------------------- main
	POLYS = 5
	dh = _2PI / POLYS

	repeat 32
		rr = (35 - cnt) * 16

		y  = cnt * 1000
		th = cb32 * 32 * _PI / POLYS * ((cnt&1)*2-1)

		if cnt&1 : color 255, 192, 128 : else : color 128, 192, 255


		repeat POLYS + 1
			x = cos(dh * cnt + th) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt + th) * rr

			gmode 5, , , 112 - sin(dh * cnt + th) * 64
			d3ribbonto x, y-100, z,  x, y+100, z

			if cnt {
				gmode 5, , , 72
				d3particlem 0, 50

		repeat POLYS
			x = cos(dh * cnt + th) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt + th) * rr

			d3particle 0, x, y-100, z, 50

	; byu-byu-
	POLYS = 12
	dh = _2PI / POLYS
	gmode 5, , , 64
	repeat 31, 1
		rr = 100
		y  = cnt * 1000
		repeat POLYS
			x = cos(dh * cnt) * rr
			z = sin(dh * cnt) * rr
			d3particle 2, x, y + sin(dh * cnt * 6 + cb32 * 32) * 30, z, 50

	gmode 5, , , 96
	d3particle   5,  0, 32010, 0,  2000
	gmode 5, , , 64
	d3particlem  0, 700
	gmode 5, , , 120
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 300, cb32 * -4
	d3particlemr PTC_STAR, 400, cb32 * 3

	repeat 1000
		f = rnd(32768)
		r = rnd(50) + 20
		r = r * r
		gmode 5, , , 224
		d3particle  0, cos(f)*r, 2 * (32768 - (rnd(32768) + cb32 * 32768) \ 32768), sin(f)*r, 20

		if rnd(3) = 0 {
			gmode 5, , , 64
			d3particlem 5, 100


;============================================================ ■
; アレイ
;----------------------------- Phase 1
	if bcnt >= 24 {
		cc = xb8
	} else:if bcnt >= 8 {
		cc = 1
	} else {
		cc = cb8
	c *= cc

	; カメラ座標
	d3setcam cos(cb32), sin(cb32), cb32s * 5000 + cb32 * 5000,  0, 0, -10000

	gosub *@f

	; telop
	sx = fnt_s3
	sy = fnt_s3
	repeat 9
		wx = sin((cb32 - 0.0625 * cnt) * _2PI) * 0.5
		if wx > 0.0 {
			types = astr_cred(cnt)
			py = 0.1 + 0.1 * cnt
			gmode 5, , , wx * 500
			screen_type types, wx, py, sx, sy

;----------------------------- main
	; 背景 (c, c, c)
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	; アレイ
	c += cc * 160
	color limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c, 0, 255), limit(c + 32, 0, 255)

	repeat 101
		r = rnd(1000) + 1000
		th = rnd(32768)
		x0 = cos(th) * r
		y0 = sin(th) * r
		d3setlocal x0, y0, 0

		z0 = 16000.0 * (cnt) / 100 - 1000
		th = 3.395 * cnt + cb32*3
		a = cnt

		repeat 5
			r = cnt * 150 - 600
			x0 = cos(th) * r
			y0 = sin(th) * r

			if cnt = 4 {
				d3circle x0, y0, z0, 70, 1
				gmode 5, , , cc * 160
				d3particlem a\4+1, 210
			} else {
				d3circle x0, y0, z0, 30, 1
				gmode 5, , , cc * 160
				d3particlem a\4+1, 90

	gmode 5, , , cc * 64
	repeat 1000
		d3particle  0,  rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(10000)-5000, rnd(20000)-10000,  50
